Monday, August 3, 2009

Greek Track and Field Championship 2009

Greek Athletics Championship 2009
Thessaloniki - August 1-2 2009 - Kaftanzoglio Stadium
This year Thessaloniki had the honor to organize the Greek Track and Field championship with many young (and some older) Greek athletes.
The truth is that After 2004 Olympics, Greeks' records are in recession but thank God the new generation makes as hope that Greek Athletics has future again.
In Javelin Throw Spyridon Lempesis (395) was first with 80.95m. He was born in 1987 and he is the new talent in Greek Javelin throw.

In Javelin Throw again Ioannis Smalios (on the lefl) was 2nd with 76.80m. while Konstantinos Vertoudos (on the right) was 3rd with 73.25

In 400m. Dimitrios Gravalos was first with 46.21!


It seems that Gravalos has fans...

In triple Jump Dimitrios Tsiamis (red-born in 1982) was first with 16.89m. while Nikolaos Fraggos (blue-born in 1986) was third with 16.04m

Nikolaos Fraggos again

In 100m. the new "Angel" in the distance is Aggelos Aggelakis (born in 1988 in Larisa) who was first with 10.44

After his win

Being first...

Remember that Thessaloniki will host the World Athletics Final for 2009 in that stadium in September 12-13!
The city is great, people are great and we hope that present Greek Government will be adequate...

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